Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Ushuaia, Argentina

            Wednesday, 26 Feb 2020 – We were scheduled to dock at Ushuaia at 8:00 AM.  Argentina, officially the Argentine Republic, is located mostly in the southern half of South America.  With a mainland area of 1,073,500 square miles, Argentina is the eighth-largest country in the world, the fourth largest in the Americas, the second largest in South America after Brazil, and the largest Spanish-speaking nation.
            Ushuaia (pronounced you-swhy’-a) is a resort town located in a wide bay on the southern coast of Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego on the Tierra del Fuego (“land of fire”) archipelago.  Ushuaia is located roughly 500 miles from the coast of Antarctica and is nicknamed the “End of the World.”  Ushuaia is the gateway to Antarctica cruises and tours to nearby Isla Yécapasela, known as “Penguin Island” for its penguin colonies.
            It is regarded as the southernmost city in the world.  The southernmost city in the world” is mainly a slogan used for tourism to attract visitors to a city as well as the tourists headed for Antarctica.  Currently three places use this slogan: Ushuaia in Argentina, and Punta Arenas and Puerto Williams in Chile, with the last being the absolute southernmost city by latitude, followed by Ushuaia. 
            Despite our late night watching the debate aftermath, we made it to breakfast before closing.  Although it was cold and rainy outside, Jesse managed to take a few photos of the shoreline from the open deck without getting wet.
Port Entrance
            After lunch, we disembarked the ship, walked to the end of the pier, and out the port gate, browsing the shops along the way.  Although the rain had stopped, the pavement was still wet and we had to avoid puddles.  After walking around for a few minutes, we took a photo and headed back to the ship.  We thought about swimming since the rain had stopped, but we decided that it was a little too cool for that!
            At about 6:00 PM, the captain announced that our departure was being delayed for about five hours due to the high winds.  At that point, we realized that our stop at the Falkland Islands might not occur.  We went to the Horizons for dancing at about 6:30 PM; then dinner.

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