Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Day at Sea

            Monday, 3 Feb 2020 – After a late breakfast, we went to swim at 10:45 AM.  Although an Oceania Officers’ Challenge was scheduled for 11:00 AM on the Lido Deck, it hadn’t darned on us that the activity would interfere with our swimming.  Therefore, at 11:00 we hurried out of the pool.   At lunch, we formally met one of the Terrace Café staff, Milica, from Serbia.
Dinner with Canute & Julie
            We had arranged to meet Julie & Canute for dinner in the Terrace Café.  Since tonight was Mexican food night, we enjoyed enchiladas for dinner.  They were enjoying alcoholic beverages with their dinner, so we conversed a little about our drinking habits.  Jesse told them about our wine falling off the shelf and breaking in our stateroom.  Soon after dinner, we were surprised when a bottle of wine was delivered to our stateroom, from Canute & Julie!  We called and thanked them.
            Since tonight was caucus night in Iowa, we stayed up very late watching the news on TV and awaiting the results - which never came!

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