Thursday, March 26, 2020

Day at Sea

            Sunday, 27 Oct 2019 – We slept until 10:00 AM.  Our door had been decorated for Sally’s birthday, which had been on 14 October, courtesy of our niece, Nubian (Missy).  We had missed the buffet breakfast and had to go the sit-down brunch.  Immediate seating was not available, so we were given a “buzzer,” which was activated when it was our turn.
Sally's Birthday
We sat at a long table, across from each other, and next to two young black women.  Soon another couple, Chris & Kim, came and sat on the other side of us.  Chris is in the car racing business on the mechanical side, not a driver.  Back in the cabin, we watched more old movies on TCM.
Since this was a cruise elegant night, everyone dressed for dinner.  Also, because the seating arrangements for dinner had been straightened out, everyone was happy.  After dinner, we looked for dancing, but didn’t find any.  There were live bands, but any space for dancing was taken up by photographers.  Back in the cabin, we watched the silent version of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde.  We were asleep by 1:30 AM.
Jesse Jr, Bethany, Aubrey, Tony, Verna, Catherine, Mario, Julia, Betty, Camille

Dolores & Wilbur with Family & Friends

Nubian (Missy) with Friends

Jesse, Sally, Brooks, Dorothy, Verna, Earl, Valerie

Verna's Friends

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