Thursday, March 26, 2020

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands

            Monday, 28 Oct 2019 – The ship was scheduled to arrive at Grand Cayman at 8:00 AM.  Although we awoke at 9:00 AM, it was still too late for omelets.  But they did have plenty of scrambled eggs oatmeal, grapefruit, bacon, etc.  
Beach Time!
After breakfast, we went to the swim pool, which was almost empty.  It was a salt water pool, and we had forgotten to bring our swim goggles. So, we avoided putting our heads in the water.  Then we sat in the hot tub for a little while.
After our swim, Jesse took a water shuttle ashore to look for swim goggles and sunglasses, which he had also forgotten.  He walked around with Julia and her friend for a little while, but somehow managed to get separated.  Meanwhile, Sally was back at the ship, busily working on her “Henry” book.
Tonight was our group’s Neon Glow Party and Dining in White night, which described the types of clothes we were to wear.  At 5:00 PM, we went to a private cocktail party in the Rex Night Club, compliments of our travel consultant, Dorothy DeWitt.  Besides having two rum punches, we danced a little at the end of the room.
At dinner, Sally talked with six women seated at a table near us.  They were all widows, two living in Texas and the others, in Florida.  Earlier, when someone had told us they were sisters, Jesse thought they were nuns!  We managed to dance for a little while to a solo guitarist until he went on break.  He was playing mostly country music.  We stayed up late watching old movies again.

Hi Julia Ann!

First Cousins

First Cousins of Catherine & Nubian

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