Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Puerto Madryn, Argentina

            Saturday, 29 Feb 2020 – The ship docked at Puerto Madryn at about 9:00 AM, a day earlier than on the original schedule.  Puerto Madryn is a city with a population of about 94,000, with sandy beaches.  The ship would be docked there overnight.
            We joined Julie & Canute at a table for four for breakfast, and afterward, swam for first time in several days.  The outside temperature got up to 86 degrees!  We would be touring Puerto Madryn tomorrow as part of our overland excursion to Iguazu falls, so there was no need to go ashore today.
            Although last year, Jesse went to the Oceania spa/beauty salon for a haircut, he was not at all happy with it.  Therefore, this year, Sally brought her clippers along and cut his hair today after lunch.  Then we colored each other’s hair.
            We then started packing for our overland excursion to Iguazu falls.  If you are curious about the spelling, the original name from the native language was Iguassu, but Argentina later changed the spelling to Iguazu.  (Brazilians spell it Iguacu!)  After dinner in the Terrace Café, we returned to our stateroom to finish our packing; there was no time for dancing tonight!  We watched the results of the South Carolina Presidential primary before retiring for the night.  Since Vice President Biden was declared the winner almost immediately, there was no need to watch it very long.

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