Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Days at Sea

            Tuesday, 18 Feb 2020 – While at breakfast, we talked with Chris and Carolyn, from Houston, but originally from California.  They boarded the ship in San Antonio, and will be cruising to Buenos Aries.  This is their first cruise, although Chris had spent time in his younger years cruising on US Naval ships.
As had been true for breakfast, we barely made it to lunch also.  We talked quite a bit with Roy and JoAnn.  Although this is their second marriage also, they have been married for 50 years.  We had talked with them quite a bit since boarding the ship, but never sat near them during a meal.  They live in San Diego, but were originally from Detroit.  He is a retired general manager from General Motors; JoAnne is a retired registered nurse.  Like Jesse, Roy also served in Vietnam in the 101st Airborne Division.  They usually eat with a friend, Joe, who is from Australia, but would like to live in the USA.  Joe refers to Roy as his “brother.”
We had received a voicemail requesting that we stop by the Destination Services desk.  While waiting in line, we formally introduced ourselves to Jim and BJ (Betty Jean) who currently live in Florida; however, they have lived in several places, including California.  Jesse first met Jim in the pool a few days earlier, and they have also been attending dance classes with Oliver & Airi.
At 5:45 PM, we got all dressed up and went to the second Captain’s Cocktail Celebration, where we were served complimentary cocktails and hors d’oeuvres.  Sally enjoyed two rum punches, which she regretted later.  While there, we sat at a table with Juanita & Chuck, and their friend, Maira, from Glasgow, Scotland.  Maira had been married for 10 years and had two children, that she cherishes, but she said marriage life is not for her!  Again, the captain introduced the department heads, who all gave brief speeches.  The general manager from our 2018 and 2019 cruises, Damien LaCroix, was introduced this time.  He had embarked in San Antonio.
We danced before and after the ceremony, along with Oliver & Airi, and several other couples this time.  Jesse danced with Juanita twice.  We also talked quite a bit with Chuck, who flew for the US Air Force before starting his career as a commercial pilot.  In retirement, he mostly watches Fox News, and works on his Porsche.  He has rebuilt several cars over the years.
We decided to eat in the Grand Dining Room for the second time on this cruise, sitting at a table with Jack & Laura, from Annapolis, Maryland.  They just boarded the ship in San Antonio and will be cruising to Buenos Aires.  Jack is one of the few passengers that we have met that is still working.  This time, Sally enjoyed the meal a little more; we both had lobster tails for our entrée and bread pudding for dessert.  (In general, Sally prefers the Terrace Café; it is faster, one can see the food in advance, and lobster is always available!)

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