Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Salaverry, Peru

            Tuesday, 11 Feb 2020 We were scheduled to dock at Salaverry at 5:00 PM today.  The Republic of Peru is the third largest country in South America, at 0.5 million square miles and a population of 32.8 million. 
            Salaverry is a port town located 8.7 miles southeast of Trujillo city.  The port, rebuilt in the 1960s by an English company, is able to accommodate large cruise ships.  The town has a population of about 13,900.
On the Pier
At about 3:00 AM, we hear very loud noises, like our ship had run into something.  Jesse assumed that they were positioning the off ramp below us; however, we found out later that the off ramp was positioned on the opposite side of the ship.  Since there is nothing of note for tourists at Salaverry, after breakfast, we walked a little way down the pier and joined several other passengers awaiting the complimentary shuttle.  As we stood for about a half hour, we learned the names of a couple that remembered us from last year’s cruise, Sandy & Cyril from upper state New York.  Cyril is named after his grandfather, who was from Jamaica.  When we finally boarded the complimentary shuttle for a 45 minute ride to Trujillo, we climbed to the upper deck of the bus where we could take photos from the window.  Not bothering to get off the bus, we were back on the ship in time for lunch.
In the late afternoon we went swimming again, just as the ship left dock.  The air was very cool and, again, the water was very rough.  After 15 minutes, Sally got out of the pool to sit in the hot tub.  Jesse continued swimming until Sally started to look worried, about another 10 minutes.  (Swimming looked very dangerous.)  Before dinner, we danced in the Horizons and, again, the band jazzed up the music quite a bit again, which resulted in poor dance music. In our stateroom, we later watched the New Hampshire primary on TV.

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