Tuesday, March 31, 2020

2 Days at Sea

            Friday, 14 Feb 2020 – Happy Valentine’s Day!  Although we made it to breakfast, barely, we then returned to our stateroom and got back in bed.  Of course, we got up in time for lunch.  Since Jesse still had a bad cold, we didn’t swim or dance today.  
            It was Red Ginger night in the Terrace Café.  Not only did we try a lot of Asian dishes, Jesse took photos of the food because it was so picturesque.  We luckily managed to avoid most of our friends and prevented exposing them to Jesse’s cold.  Before retiring, we set our clocks ahead by another hour, two days in a row!  Now we’re two hours ahead of US EST.  (No wonder it’s hard to get out of bed in the morning!)
            Saturday, 15 Feb 2020 – We barely made it to breakfast again, where we joined Canute & Julie.  After they left the table, we continued conversations with Larry & Kathy on one side, and Velma & Billy on the other side.  We talked for quite a while, learning that both Billy and Velma are retired from Raleigh Tobacco Company.
            Very late, we went to lunch.  Because of the rough water and Jesse’s cold, we didn’t swim or dance again today.  At 6:00 PM, we went to the Catholic services held again in the library.  Since quite a number of passengers were in attendance and several were eager to read, Sally wasn’t one of the readers this time.  After Mr. Rosselot announced that he and his wife would be disembarking on Monday, one of the other passengers agreed to lead the service next Sunday.  Luckily, we went to dinner early and were already seated when the buffet opened.  We were glad to be early because the terrace was closed due to windy, chilly air, and the inside area was very crowded.  As we were finishing dinner and leaving, the staff had started to set up additional tables in the aisles to accommodate more passengers.

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