Monday, February 18, 2019

Rangiroa, French Polynesia

            Thursday, 14 Feb 2019 – This morning the ship was anchored off shore of Rangiroa about 8:00 AM.   We went to breakfast, where we found that most of the passengers had already eaten and apparently taken one of the ship’s tender’s ashore.  Only three ship’s excursions were scheduled for this port:  a glass bottom boat, a pearl farm, and snorkeling.  So we opted to visit the island on our own.  Rangiroa is French Polynesia’s largest atoll and the second largest in the world.  The string of coral encircling a luminous turquoise and jade-green lagoon is one of the world’s greatest dive destinations.  It is one of the Tuamotu’s set of islands and atolls.
On the Rangiroa Pier
            Our tender left the ship a little before 11:00 AM for our 5 minute ride to the pier.  We looked briefly at the items on the tables being sold by vendors, had another passenger snap a photo of us, and re-boarded the same tender for the return trip to the ship!   Afterwards, we went for a 30 minute swim, then to lunch, then back to the cabin for Sally’s afternoon nap.
Although this was Valentine’s Day, there were no chocolate desserts being served at dinner in the Terrace Café.  Sally was very disappointed!  We danced for 30 minutes before retiring for the night.

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