Tuesday, February 26, 2019

At Sea

            Thursday, 21 Feb 2019 – We crossed the International Date Line and lost Wednesday, 20 Feb 2019.  This was very confusing!  Luckily, we’ll get the day back when we return home.  We’ll be leaving Tokyo on March 31st and returning home 4.5 hours later on the same day, even though our total travel time will be about 16 hours.
Terrace Cafe with Camellia & Mike
            We were up early, but still didn’t get around to going to breakfast until 9:00 AM.  The dining room was crowded but we found a table for two; a little later, we were joined by Camellia & Mike at the next table.  We talked a lot about politics.  So far, we have not met anyone from any other country in the world that likes our current president!  However, we haven’t spoken with anyone from North Korea on the subject.  One of our Russian waitresses told us that she thought Trump is a businessman and only interested in making more money for himself, and is not concerned about other people.  Camellia and Mike also shared their complaints about the Canadian medical system, which could use many improvements.  They said the Canadian system is not as good as European medical care.
Hot Tub with Sally's New Hat

            After breakfast, we went for a swim.  Three people were already “standing” in the pool, but Jesse asked if they would mind standing on one side so we could swim laps and they politely agreed.  The water was dangerously choppy, so we only swam for 20 minutes.  After lunch, Sally continued to work on her genealogy book.  We danced for 45 minutes in the Horizons.  Except for one Cha Cha, Sally was not very happy with the music.

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