Monday, February 18, 2019

Bora Bora, French Polynesia

            Saturday, 16 Feb 2019 – This morning, the ship had been anchored off shore since 8:00 AM.  As with most of the ports on this cruise, we had already visited Bora Bora a few years ago, so we didn’t sign up for an excursion.  Bora Bora is one of the Tuamotu Islands.
Paroisse Saint Pierre-Celestin Church
            After breakfast, we took one of the ship’s tenders to the pier.  One of the other passengers, Flora, was alone, and asked if she could walk with us.  We had met Flora and her husband, Phil, in the laundry room near the start of the cruise.  They are from the Los Angeles area and have only been married for six years, but have been “together” for about 20 years.   Phil cannot walk without the use of his walker and, therefore, is not allowed to take tenders ashore.  As it turned out, Flora wanted to walk much further than Sally did, so we returned to the ship, while she walked further.  Even then, we had walked much farther than we would have otherwise.  Flora wanted to visit the famous “Bloody Mary’s Bar” which was apparently quite a distance from the pier.  We had visited the bar on our previous cruise in 2012.  (By the way, Jesse always wants to go ashore; Sally goes grudgingly, not wanting Jesse to get lost or buy something for her that she doesn’t need!)
            After returning to the ship, we swam for 30 minutes and then went to lunch.  Later, we had prime rib and lobster for dinner, along with our usual scrumptious desserts.  Then at 8:45, we danced for 30 minutes in the Insignia Lounge.  The Insignia “Currents” publication calls it “preshow dancing.”  The shows start at 9:30 PM, but we never stay for them.  A couple of our new friends suggested that we stay for this one because it was going to be really good!  We thought about it, but instead, retired to our cabin for night.

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