Tuesday, February 26, 2019

2 Days at Sea

Saturday, 23 Feb 2019 – We awoke at about 7:00 AM and went to breakfast at about 8:45 AM.  Jesse did laundry after breakfast, the heavy items in the self-service laundry room and the lighter items by hand.  The “Insignia’s Country Fair” was held on the pool deck from 10:30 – 11: 30 AM.  The officers and staff had various booths set up for games and prizes, while the Insignia Orchestra played music in the background.  We didn’t participate, but Jesse did make a short visit to snap a few photos.  After the crew had finished rearranging the deck, we swam for a half hour before lunch.  Although the water was quite rough, we endured.   We enjoyed lunch as usual and Sally napped in the afternoon.  After dinner, we danced for a half hour in the Insignia Lounge.  Our friend Al was in the audience.  He had come to watch us dance and cheer us on.  He thought the other couple that dances regularly, Nancy and Paul, knows a lot more routines than us, and Al encouraged us to practice more because he wants us to be the best!  He kept us laughing as we sat between songs.  We moved our clocks ahead by one hour before retiring.
Sunday, 24 Feb 2019 – Sally awoke at 9:00 AM.  Sally rushed us to breakfast, which Jesse didn’t understand until he realized it was already 9:30 AM.  There were several other late participants, all using the excuse that we had lost an hour of sleep!  We swam for half hour, starting at 12:05 PM and went to lunch immediately afterwards.  Sally took her usual nap in the afternoon, while Jesse watched a new version of “Robin Hood” on TV, with Jamie Fox.  It was an amusing alternative to the traditional “Robin Hood.”  After dinner, we danced for a half hour in the Insignia Lounge.  The band played one waltz this time!

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