Wednesday, February 20, 2019

2 Days at Sea

            Sunday, 17 Feb 2019 – Apparently, it takes the ship two days to sail from Bora Bora, French Polynesia, to Pago Pago, American Samoa, so we had two relaxing at-sea days to enjoy.  Jesse was “shaken” awake at 6:00 AM by the really rough sea, but managed to get back to sleep for a while longer.  Sally awoke at 7:45 AM.  Sunday Brunch was being served in the Grand Dining Room, but we opted for our usual breakfast in the Terrace Café.  The cruise director had announced that the sea was very rough (11.5 foot waves) and passengers should be careful to use the railings in the hallways, elevators, etc.  It was also raining outside and the pool was covered, so no swimming today.  After breakfast, we lounged in our cabin until going to lunch at 1:30 PM.  Then Sally napped for the rest of the afternoon, while Jesse mostly napped while trying to watch “Avengers Infinity War” on TV.  It did get a little more exciting towards the end, but Sally wasn’t at all impressed.  After dinner we danced for 30 minutes, and before retiring, we set our clocks back one hour.
            Monday, 18 Feb 2019 – Sally had been awake for most of the night, but we went to breakfast after Jesse awoke at 8:00 AM.  She was still very tired, so she napped before and after lunch and was much too tired to swim.  Before dinner, we got all dressed up and attended a private cocktail party for Oceania Club members, where we danced, enjoyed complementary drinks, and received our Silver Tier membership pins.  We received compliments on our attire.  At dinner, one of the waitresses told Jesse that he looked like President Obama, which made him feel very slim!

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