Saturday, February 16, 2019

Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii

            Wednesday, 6 Feb 2019 – We went to breakfast at about 8:00 AM; then Sally called her friend, Maggie, back in Iowa.  As with Kauai, we had visited Honolulu previously, so we did not sign up for an excursion.  Honolulu is the capital of the state of Hawaii and is situated on the island of Oahu.  It is the most populous city in the state of Hawaii and both the westernmost and southernmost major American City.  Tourist attractions include Diamond Head and the world-famous beaches of Waikiki, the inspiring memorials of Pearl Harbor and the Punchbowl National Cemetery, and the only royal palace ever constructed on U.S. soil.
Walk to Wal-Mart
Since it appeared that Jesse had forgotten the charger for his camera, we decided to take a “free” shuttle to Wal-Mart again.  We received “stickers” for the shuttle; however, the woman in charge told us that if we only wanted to go to Wal-Mart, there was a much closer store within a 15-minute walk.  After she gave us directions, we set out on foot.  It took us 45 minutes to get there!  Although we were hoping that Wal-Mart would sell universal battery chargers, of course they did not.  We also tried two drug stores and a business supply store in the area, but they were unable to help us either.  So, we made our 45-minute walk back to the ship empty handed!
            Although we were both exhausted as we re-boarded the ship, we felt a somewhat revived after a light lunch.  Then we showered and both of us napped.  Before dinner, Sally made a few phone calls, while Jesse made another search for his camera charger.  And eureka!  He found it!  After dinner, we were still too tired to dance, so we called it an early night.

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