Monday, February 5, 2018

3 Days At Sea

            Thursday, 1 Feb 2018 – The ship was taking three days to sail southward along the west coast of Africa.  Today we slept late, running to eat breakfast before the café closed.  Later, we swam a half hour and later, danced for a half hour.  Tonight was Greek night in the café – we especially enjoyed the baklava for dessert.  Also, we set clocks ahead again.
Friday, 2 Feb 2018 – Today passed much the same as yesterday.  At the Horizons Lounge Christine and Spiro were dancing, too, and then we four sat together to eat in the café.  Although it was “fresh fish” night, we wondered if it was “fresh from the freezer” because the ship hadn’t been in port all day!
Saturday, 3 Feb 2018 – We were disappointed to see that the pool was closed (in fact, it was empty and covered) because of strong winds.  No swimming today!  In the late afternoon the lecturer was sitting in the lobby, available for questions.  (We don’t go to his talks, but we do watch his programs on the Insignia TV channel.)  In answer to Jesse’s questions about sources for the slave trade from West Africa, he provided three books on a USB thumb drive.

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