Sunday, January 21, 2018

At Sea

            Sunday, 21 Jan 2018 – We barely made it to breakfast this morning before the Terrace Café stopped serving (which is 10:00 AM).  As we were finishing, we heard an announcement that their “special Sunday brunch” would be served in the Grand Dining Room starting at 10:00.  However, our breakfast was delicious (as usual) and we didn’t feel we had missed anything.
            Soon we were in the pool for our half-hour swim.  Sally insisted that the pool was even rougher than it has been.  We could see whitecaps on the sea today.  Also, when we used the shower beside the pool, the spray from the nozzle kept changing direction because the wind was coming from all sides, it seemed, so that it was impossible to stay under the spray.  Therefore, swimming was definitely great exercise!  Although we have not said previously, this pool contains salt water.  Also, the poolside shower water was very cold until a few days ago; now it is warm, no doubt because of the ship’s location.
            We danced tonight in the Horizons Lounge for 45 minutes, during which time we also talked with new friends.  After that, we enjoyed a wonderful meal in the café.  Some desserts are impossible for Sally to avoid; the brownie with nuts was still hot inside, just out of the oven, served with a choice of ice cream was just too good to resist!

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