Saturday, January 20, 2018

At Sea

            Friday, 19 Jan 2018 – At breakfast, we sat at a table with Canute and Julie.  He is of Jamaican descent, and they live in Toronto where Julie was born.  After finishing our meal, we continued to sit for a few minutes to talk with them.  Soon we were in the pool having a good swim.  According to the ship’s TV channel, seas were “moderate,” but the pool water was “sloshing” back and forth so much that we had to watch the sides carefully, to avoid being hurt.  It seemed too dangerous to swim on our backs.  (Later, the higher deck was closed for walking due to high winds.)
            A special announcement from the Captain this afternoon informed us all that the ship would not be docking in Fortaleza, Brazil tomorrow morning as originally scheduled.  Because of an emergency medical problem of one passenger, the ship had turned back to Belém in the wee hours of the morning and now would not reach Fortaleza until about 7:00 PM tomorrow; therefore, (of course) excursions were cancelled.
            In the late afternoon, we danced in the Horizons before dinner.  We were delighted to see several other couples dancing there.  Since there was no dancing scheduled after dinner, we returned to our cabin for the remainder of the evening spent with Internet and TV.

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