Saturday, March 17, 2018

Kuala Lumpur (Port Kelang)

             Tuesday, 13 Mar 2018 – We had visited Kuala Lumpur during our cruise last March.  Although we had considered taking a free shuttle to the mall after breakfast, Sally napped instead; then after lunch, it seemed not enough time left for a trip to the mall before the ship’s 5:00 PM departure time.  (The original itinerary had indicated a 7:00 PM departure.)
When we swam from 6:45 to 7:15, we were surprised by the fact that it was light the entire time.  Lately, when we swam this late, usually either the sun was setting or had already set, and we were mostly in the dark.  But tonight, it was still light when we emerged from the hot tub!
During dinner, we talked with Jack and Kathy, who are continuing on the world cruise.  There was no dancing scheduled for tonight.

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