Sunday, March 11, 2018

3 Days At Sea

          Monday, 5 March 2018 – In the afternoon, we watched (off and on) the Academy Awards celebration – and realized that we’ve seen only one of the movies mentioned!  (Too many cruises, not enough movies!)
Tonight, we swam in the dark from 6:45 to 7:15 PM.  As a result, we ate dinner so late that we went directly from the café in the Insignia Lounge for dancing.  A few of those continuing to cruise around the world have told us that they will miss watching us dance when we disembark at Singapore.  (Of course some of the best dancers from home could show us up, but they aren’t here!)  We set our clocks ahead again by one hour.  No wonder we’re always tired!
Tuesday, 6 March 2018 – At 6:30 this evening, Sally had already donned her swimsuit when friend Canute called and said they had secured a table for four in the Polo Grill.  This hadn’t been expected at such short notice.  Therefore, we quickly changed clothes and joined them for dinner.  Although we enjoyed our evening with them, we missed our exercise – both swimming and dancing for the day – because our 4-to-5 course dinner ended at 9:15 PM, too late for us to dance.
Wednesday, 7 March 2018Although we like berries on our morning oatmeal, they were out of strawberries by the time we reached fruit counter.   Again, we swam for a half hour, starting at 6:30 PM.  Sally had a fright when she thought she had lost one hearing aid; she had stuffed them into her bag when she realized she had worn them to the pool area, and then one fell from her bag.  However, the lost was found!
After dinner and then dancing for our usual half hour, we went back to our cabin and lounged around for an hour or so.  We had received an invitation to attend an anniversary celebration for two couples in the Horizons Lounge – and dancing was to start at 10:30 PM.  The two couples were Jalayne and Mike, and Donna and Tom.  However, when we arrived, the small floor was already full of couples dancing in the 1960’s style.  After a few songs, during which we stood pretty much in one spot, moving one foot and then the other, we joined Christine and Spiro at a table until they left.  Julie and Canute were sitting nearby.  When the crowd was obviously thinning out, we started to leave.  Then we saw Helma and Rich on the far side of the floor “dancing.”  After greeting them and then wishing them a good night, we left for our cabin.  It was then 11:30 PM.

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