Friday, March 2, 2018

3 Days at Sea

Rich's Birthday Party
            Monday, 26 Feb 2018 – By invitation, tonight we attended another cocktail party, where we danced, drank two rum punch drinks, and sat with Christine and Spiro after dancing had stopped.  Before 6:30 we left for the Tuscana Room, where we had been invited for Rich’s birthday party.  There, we ate and talked at a table for eight until 10:00 PM.  Except for Helma and Rich, the others were new to us: Brian & Barbara (of Boston), and Kathy & Ed (of Colorado).  Tonight we set clocks ahead one hour, now 11 hours later than home time.
Tuesday, 27 Feb 2018 – Nothing noteworthy happened today.  We ate, relaxed, swam, and danced.
Wednesday, 28 Feb 2018 – After barely making it to breakfast before the café closed, a mandatory safety drill was held immediately afterward (our fourth on this cruise).  Also, for the benefit of those who boarded at Cape Town, another “Crossing” ceremony was held to celebrate the crossing of the equator.  We have crossed it numerous times on this cruise, starting near South America.  (We didn’t attend this time.)  Also, we swam earlier today and then danced this evening.

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