Friday, April 14, 2017

At Sea

            Thursday, 13 Apr 2017 – This morning we went to breakfast fairly early (for us, for a day at sea); however, the buffet was already full of people, the coffee machines had “BREWING” signs on them, and no coffee cups were left (at first) on the trays.  We sat down across the table from a German couple.  As with many people we have met, this man wanted to talk politics, especially American politics.

            Although this should have been a day of almost total rest, Sally has worried about having to pack differently for our return trip.  After we left for this cruise, the US (and the UK) changed rules about bringing laptops into these countries for people coming from a list of several countries, Turkey being one of them – and we will be flying home from Venice via Istanbul as a layover.  Previously, our laptops were “carry-ons” but now they must be in checked luggage.  Therefore, while our ship sailed from Crete, Greece to Dubrovnik, Sally started some early packing.

            At dinner we sat at a table with two other passengers, both traveling alone.  The woman, who lives in Las Vegas, trains show horses and has traveled all over the world, especially the Arabian countries, where she has sometimes ridden camels.  When she first appeared, bejeweled and wearing a fancy hat and over-sized glasses, we wondered how this dining experience would turn out; however, she was pleasant and it was interesting.

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