Thursday, April 13, 2017

At Sea

            Tuesday, 11 Apr 2017 – Today our ship was heading northwest across one corner of the Mediterranean between Israel and Greece.  Although we enjoyed relaxing today, the weather was very cool and rainy, definitely unsuitable for swimming.  Even though BBC’s periodic weather report showed rain for this area, Sally hoped that we would be out of that weather pattern by the next day when we would be in Greece.  At lunch we enjoyed sitting with a couple we’d met before (from Australia, now living in Spain); and then, at dinner we just happened to be seated with them again.  Tonight we danced for about 20 minutes, as we usually have either before or after dinner.  After today, only one at-sea day is left for this cruise; and the only ports remaining are Crete, Greece; Dubrovnik, Croatia; and Venice, where we disembark.

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