Saturday, October 12, 2013

At Sea

            Jesse awoke about 7:00 AM, after setting the clock back one hour the previous night.  Sally slept until about 8:30 AM; she really needed that long sleep, and felt much better today.  After breakfast and testing the temperature in all of the pools, we went for a swim in the warmest one and then soaked in one of the hot tubs.  By noon the air temperature was 75 degrees, and lots of people were lounging in the sun – and several were in the pools.  Now sailing in the East China Sea en route to Shanghai, the sea (70 degrees) was “moderate” today, not rough, though the water in the pool sloshed from one end to the other.  Sally would think she was almost at the other end of the pool, when the “current” would suddenly turn and it would take two additional strokes for her to reach the end!  With all of this, we managed to miss the 11:00 dance lesson, but weren’t sure what they were teaching this time.

            After swimming and lunch, Sally took a nap.  Jesse still hasn’t managed to catch her cold, even though he has continued to devour what’s left of her dessert every night at dinner.  (Is it possible that sugar kills cold germs?)  While she napped, Jesse started watching “The Hobbit” on the movie channel, although that was one of the few movies that we saw in the theater at home.  At least the closed captioning was available for this movie for a change.  Since this was Saturday, there was not much news concerning the shutdown; MSNBC was showing their weekend “prison” episodes, Fox News was still blaming President Obama for all of our woes, and BBC didn’t show much interest in our shutdown. 

            After dinner, we danced to a few songs in the Club fusion:  first to pre-recorded music and then to the Superfly band.   Since tomorrow will be an all-day excursion and we will meet early, we were back in the cabin by 8:45 PM.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having a good time. Thinking of you both, sent email.
