Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Juneau, Alaska

Sunday, 26 Aug 2018 – At breakfast, the buffet was rather empty because most people were already off the ship.  Our “Whale Watching & Wildlife Quest” excursion didn’t meet until 11:15 AM – and this time we left our cabin earlier so that we would ready for whatever might happen.  Although on many of our cruises, numerous passengers reported seeing whales, we never had.  (Yes, we had seen the water spout from a long distance away, but it might also have been our imagination.)  This time, there was a money-back guarantee that we would see a whale!
We started with a 25-minute bus ride.  For a change, it was a sunny day – and we were still in Alaska.  We were told that Juneau receives 200 inches of snow, but a lot of it soon melts.  However, tides in Alaska are more drastic, with two low tides and two high tides every day.  From the bus, we had a good view of the Mendenhall Glacier.  The water around an island off the coast is being filled with sediment from Mendenhall Glacier; therefore, in 20 years the island will be connected to Juneau.
We boarded a very large trimaran (Allen Marine Tour) with the name “St. Juvenali” on the side, where we chose to sit downstairs, thinking it might be more comfortable.  Although Jesse had commented early-on that we had forgotten to bring binoculars, it turned out that they were available on seats for people to use.  Soon we heard that free coffee/cocoa and donut holes were provided, which we enjoyed.
Soon after we left the dock, the captain announced that a whale had been sighted earlier and might be up again for air soon.  About 12:45 PM we saw a humpback whale coasting along with part of its back mostly above water.  Then he dove, and we saw his tail go up!  The boat went through North Pass, a narrowing between Lincoln Island and Shelter Island, where the captain said whales like to frequent.  At 1:00 PM again we saw a whale, possibly the same one.  Then we saw another one or two.  We went as far as Little Island, where hundreds of sea lions congregated there and frolicked in the water.  At this point, our boat turned around.  We saw at least one more whale before pulling in to port.
At 2:50 PM we re-boarded the bus, which then headed back to the ship.  With our friends, we went to the Provence Dining Room again for dinner.  At 6:45 PM we left there and went to the Captain’s Circle (for returning passengers).  Jesse had asked if friends could come with us, so Val and Ed came, too.   Before the awards started, we danced to the Argentine band.  (It was the best dance music that band had played up to now!)  We enjoyed Sally’s favorite drink there: rum punch.  Then (at 8:00 PM) we went to the Wheelhouse Bar, where we danced until the band stopped for a break.

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