Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Day at Sea

            Sunday, 17 Jun 2018 – Sally hadn’t slept well and had been awake for much of the night.  We went to breakfast at 9:30 AM and sat with a couple from the Toronto area, Wayne and Ellie.  They are bird watchers and haven’t been on very many cruises.  They joined this cruise because they are interested in seeing some of the birds in northern Norway.  A little while after breakfast, we found our way to the ship’s library and checked out a few books.
            At lunch we shared a table with Carlotta & Dale from the San Francisco area.  After they left, we chatted with a Larry and Joyce from Raleigh, NC.  We told them that we attended a graduation at Campbell University Medical School in North Carolina last May 2017, and it turned out that Larry had graduated from Campbell University many, many years ago (in the dark ages to quote him)!  After lunch, we returned to our cabin, and Sally napped while Jesse did a little hand laundry.
            Because tonight was the first of three “Gala” nights, we dressed up and went to the main dining room for dinner.  Since no tables were available, we were given a pager.  We sat outside the dining room and chatted with another couple for quite a while.  Finally, we were given a table, which we shared with Anita from Vancouver.  She has been widowed for about a year and is traveling alone.  Although Capt. Dag Dvergastein was giving a “Welcome Aboard” at 7:45 PM, we were eating until about 8:30 and so missed all of that.  (Apparently, alcohol had been served because we were given small glasses of complimentary champagne near the end of our dinner.)  After dinner, we danced for about 45 minutes.  One other couple danced to one song; otherwise, we were the only dancers this time.  When they took requests, we asked for a Tango and then a Swing.  We also danced the Cha Cha at least once.  Before bed, we watched the end of the movie, “Allied,” starring Brad Pitt.

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