Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Debarkation & Return Home

            Wednesday, 30 Mar 2016 – We awoke to our alarm at 6:00 AM.  After breakfast, we returned to our cabin at 7:00 AM to finish our packing.  Still, we barely finished by 8:00 AM, the latest time that we were allowed to vacate our cabin.  We said goodbye to our cabin steward, Michael.  By the time we made it to the Club Fusion for Preferred Passenger debarkation, our debarkation group had already been called.  We disembarked the ship at 8:30 PM.

Since parking was very close to the ship, we picked up our luggage and walked to our vehicle.  By 9:30 AM we were already in our vehicle and ready to leave the dock.  However, we won’t be sailing out of the Houston port on Princess Cruise Lines again because Princess is moving its ships from this port because of the frequent problems with fog and bad weather.  (We’re going to miss the great parking!)

During our trip back to Memphis, it started raining very hard and we received flash flood warnings on our I-phone.  Only the phrase “torrential downpour” is appropriate for the conditions that Jesse drove through for about 6 hours.  Usually in a rainstorm, the intensity of the rain will let up from time to time, but this storm was almost incessant, like driving under a waterfall.  Sally was frightened and wanted to stop early in order to get off the road.  But we managed to make it safely through Texas and Arkansas; we arrived at our Memphis motel by 9:00 PM.

We spent Thursday visiting relatives, and resumed our trip back to Bettendorf on Friday morning, 2 Apr 2016, arriving home at 8:30 PM.

Signing off from another GREAT cruise!

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