Wednesday, April 27, 2016

At Sea

            Tuesday, 29 Mar 2016 – We were both awake fairly early (for us), but still lounged around the cabin until 11:00 AM before going to breakfast; then, again a late lunch.  We were so busy packing that we skipped our swim and the complimentary 3:00 PM Wine Tasting.

A little before 6:00 PM, the ship’s captain announced that the ship could be very late docking because of heavy fog in Houston, and promised an update a little later.  Therefore, we decided to wait until after dinner to set our luggage outside our door for pickup.  (If the ship was going to be delayed in docking, we did not want to be without luggage!)

We met Merrill and Grace for dinner, where we were joined by Patrick and Kathleen, another couple that Grace had befriended.  The conversations were very interesting, mostly about marriages and children.  Afterwards, we went to the Wheelhouse Bar with Merrill and Grace, and danced to The Great Escape until about 10:00 PM.  Before retiring, we said our goodbyes to Merrill and Grace.  It had been a great evening! 

Since we hadn’t heard any more bad news from the captain, we set our luggage out for pickup.

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