Sunday, March 22, 2015

2 Days At Sea & Disembarkation

            On Thursday, 19 Mar 2015, Jesse awoke at 6:30 AM and downloaded part of our e-mail and then we both awoke again at 11:30 AM.  By the time we made it to the Horizon Court at 12:00 PM, breakfast was no longer being served; instead, we enjoyed a light lunch.  A little later, we found out that a Mexican buffet was being served between 12:00 – 1:30 PM in the Café Carilbe, but we had already eaten our fill.  At 2:00 PM, Jesse went for a swim while Sally relaxed in our cabin.  Jesse talked in the hot tub for quite a while with a woman named Isabel (German form) who lives in Toronto, but was born and raised in Stuttgart.   Isabel’s husband passed away a few years ago, even though she was five years younger than he.  A little later, a man from Ohio joined us in the hot tub.  He has done quite a bit of genealogy.  His family was originally from Prussia, but he has no idea why they immigrated to the USA.

3rd Formal Night
After the swim, we spent the remainder of the afternoon lounging in our cabin.  Since tonight was our last formal night, we dressed in our formal attire and went to the Michelangelo Dining Room at 5:45 PM.  There we joined John and Marsha from Arizona, and Bob and Deirdre from Ottawa, Canada. Bob and Deirdre will be celebrating the 50th wedding anniversary in July, and John and Marsha will be celebrating their 50th next year.  We also spoke briefly with Lindey and Elaine from Nova Scotia, whom we shared dinner with early during our cruise.  They just booked the 12-day British Isles cruise that we plan to take next August.  After dinner, we danced for about 45 minutes to the Rhumba Duo in the Wheelhouse Bar, then returned to our cabin, set our clocks and watches back by one hour, then retired for the night.

On Friday, 20 Mar 2015, Jesse awoke at 3:30 AM and downloaded part of our e-mail.  Then we both awoke around 8:30 AM and went to the Horizon Court for breakfast at 9:00 AM.  This was much earlier than usual for us – for one thing, we had set the clocks back again.  We stopped and watched a Zumba class for a few minutes on our way there.  Jesse was impressed with the class and vowed to join in on our next cruise.  There was an unfamiliar group of passengers eating breakfast and the seating area was more crowded that we were used to.

Although we had intended to go for a swim, the weather was a cool and the pool was sloshing a little too much for a safe swim.  So around noon, we settled for a few minutes in the hot tub instead.  Jesse has always wanted to try one of the British-style Pub Lunches that they have onboard a few times during each cruise, so at 1:30 PM, we went up to the Wheelhouse and enjoyed a meal of curry and rice, and another of fish and chips.  Jesse wasn’t very impressed, so that will be our first and last British-style Pub lunch that we will be enjoying on our cruises.

We then started packing our suitcases for our debarkation.  Our cabin steward made our last laundry delivery around 6:00 PM.  Immediately, we realized that he had delivered the wrong clothes!  By the time we made it out to the corridor, our steward was nowhere to be found.  We finally caught up with him about 6:30 PM and corrected the problem.  Then we placed our luggage in the corridor for pickup and proceeded to the Michelangelo Dining Room for dinner.  There we shared a table with Nancy and Herman from Arizona, whom we had dined with previously, Pat and Nina from Toronto, and John from Perth, Australia.  Pat and Nina are both widows and this is their first cruise together.  They had taken the deluxe version of the Machu Picchu Tour, but had opted out of the return trip on the second day.  Instead, they spent the second day exploring the area around their hotel in Aqua Calientes.  We talked a lot about our past and future cruises.   John is dreading his long flight back to Perth.

After dinner, we danced for a few minutes to the Rhumba Duo, and about 30 minutes to the Atomic Band.  Then we returned to our cabin, put out our last suitcase, and retired for the night.

On Saturday, March 21, Jesse awoke first at 4:30 AM and downloaded the e-mail; then we awoke to our alarm at 6:00 AM.  We went to breakfast in the Horizon Court at 6:30 AM and returned to our cabin about 7:15 AM to finish packing.  We vacated our cabin at 8:00 AM and made our way to the DaVinci Dining Room until our group was called to disembark.  

When it was time for our group to disembark, we proceeded to the Princess Theater, where we stood in a long time to get through customs.   After picking up our luggage, we made it outside the terminal by 10:45 AM; then we waited on the dock for Jesse’s brother, Jon, to pick us up.  Jon had trouble finding our pier until we gave him the street address over the cell phone; then he found us with no problem about 1:15 PM.
Signing off at the end of another lovely and relaxing cruise!

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