Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Debarkation & Return Home

             Saturday, 17 Dec 2022 – We were out of our cabin by 8:30 AM, went to breakfast, and then waited for our luggage number to be called to disembark the ship.  Once we were outside, we found Julia & Camille, and sat by them while we waited for our coach to pick us up.  We arrived at the Amtrak station well ahead of our 1:00 PM departure time.  We sat on the second level of the train again.  Jesse worked on computer; then we looked at photos.  We purchased dinner on the train.  We arrived in Memphis at 10:25 PM.  Our vehicle was there (delivered by Karanie); Verna & Earl rode with us to their house.  We picked up our heavy winter coats and our suitcase containing our winter clothes from inside the house; then we drove to the Quality Inn in West Memphis, where we spent the night.  It was 35 degrees outside.

Sunday, 18 Dec 2022 – We got up at 9:00 AM, enjoyed the complimentary breakfast, and got on the road at 10:45 AM.  Soon, we called Scott about weather.  Snow was forecast around Kansas City for Monday morning.)  Sally had originally wanted to relax going home, and make an extra stop for the night.  But we didn’t want to get stuck in the snow south of Sioux Falls, so we arrived home at 12:25 AM.  The garage door was frozen shut at the bottom, so Jesse had to pry it open.  When we finally got into the house, the fire alarm was blaring!  Jesse was unable to shut it off, so we finally called Scott.  He and Jesse removed the batteries from all of the smoke alarms, finishing around 1:30 AM.  Jesse installed new batteries the next morning, which took care of the problem.

That was the end of another short, but wonderful cruise!

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