Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Debarkation & Return Home

             Saturday, 17 Dec 2022 – We were out of our cabin by 8:30 AM, went to breakfast, and then waited for our luggage number to be called to disembark the ship.  Once we were outside, we found Julia & Camille, and sat by them while we waited for our coach to pick us up.  We arrived at the Amtrak station well ahead of our 1:00 PM departure time.  We sat on the second level of the train again.  Jesse worked on computer; then we looked at photos.  We purchased dinner on the train.  We arrived in Memphis at 10:25 PM.  Our vehicle was there (delivered by Karanie); Verna & Earl rode with us to their house.  We picked up our heavy winter coats and our suitcase containing our winter clothes from inside the house; then we drove to the Quality Inn in West Memphis, where we spent the night.  It was 35 degrees outside.

Sunday, 18 Dec 2022 – We got up at 9:00 AM, enjoyed the complimentary breakfast, and got on the road at 10:45 AM.  Soon, we called Scott about weather.  Snow was forecast around Kansas City for Monday morning.)  Sally had originally wanted to relax going home, and make an extra stop for the night.  But we didn’t want to get stuck in the snow south of Sioux Falls, so we arrived home at 12:25 AM.  The garage door was frozen shut at the bottom, so Jesse had to pry it open.  When we finally got into the house, the fire alarm was blaring!  Jesse was unable to shut it off, so we finally called Scott.  He and Jesse removed the batteries from all of the smoke alarms, finishing around 1:30 AM.  Jesse installed new batteries the next morning, which took care of the problem.

That was the end of another short, but wonderful cruise!

Day at Sea

Friday, 16 Dec 2022 – Again, we managed to barely make it to breakfast before closing time.  Then after watching old movies on TCM all day, we dressed early in our roaring 20s costumes and went to a private cocktail party at 5:00 PM.  We sat with Julia & Camille and we both had rum punch.  Nubian held a trivia contest and passed out prizes to the winners.  Eventually, everyone won a prize!  Afterwards, we stayed for Karaoke where young people were performing.  Nubian’s fiancé, Kendra, was one of the performers and sounded great!  We left at 8:15 PM for dinner.  Before retiring for the night, we managed to finish packing and get our two large bags in the hallway by the 10:00 PM deadline.

Yucatan (Progreso), Mexico

            Thursday, 15 Dec 2022 – After breakfast, we got off the ship at Progresso (Yucatan Peninsula).  We walked, but not as long as yesterday.  We both bought hats that we found for $10.00 each.  Jesse needed one for tonight’s Kentucky Derby night.  The hats that we had found previously were much more expensive; these fit the bill perfectly.  Carol, Jon, & Jesse joined the wait staff in a dance during dinner, all dressed in their Kentucky Derby outfits!

Cozumel, Mexico

            Wednesday, 14 Dec 2022 – Sally slept until 9:45 AM, but we managed to make it to breakfast before they closed.  Most people were off the ship (Cozumel).  We got off too and walked around.  Sally’s back was hurting, so we didn’t go far.  That afternoon, we watched old movies with Mickey Rooney on TV.  Jesse went for soup while Sally was napping.  Sally’s leg wasn’t hurting, but her back hurt after walking for a while.  Nubian had planned theme nights for the cruise.  We went to dancing after dinner.  Jon won an “Air Guitar” contest and was awarded a free drink from the bar.  Since he doesn’t drink, he gave it to Jesse!

Day at Sea

               Tuesday, 13 Dec 2022 – We went to breakfast at 10:00 AM; afterwards, Sally had a nap.  Tonight, was Elegant Night.  Sally wore a long, black, Sparkly dress; Jesse wore a tuxedo.  We had a group photo taken on the atrium stairway.  We danced a little while before returning to our cabin.  Before bed, we watched the “Avatar” movie on TV (good again).

Carnival Valor Embarkation

Monday, 12 Dec 2022 – Twelve of us sat in hotel lobby for what seemed like a long time.  Finally, the coach came and drove us, plus luggage, to the Carnival Cruise Terminal.  We checked our bags; then stood in line to board the Carnival Valor.  We were on Deck 2, Cabin 366.  We ate dinner on 3rd Deck at 8:15 PM.  Dress was casual, and most of the group wore their yellow cruise shirts that Verna had provided.  (We did not get the memo, so we didn’t wear ours!)  We sat at a table with Verna & Earl, Ella V, Jon & Carol, and Dorothy & Brooks.  Carol & Dorothy joined the wait staff in the “Welcome Dance.”  Sally didn’t get to sleep until after 3:00 AM.

En Route to New Orleans, & Dinner at Nubian’s

          Friday, 9 Dec 2022 – It had been over two-and-a-half years since our last cruise ended abruptly on 15 Mar 2020 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, due to the Covid-19 outbreak.  We finally decided to book a 5-Day Caribbean cruise to help Verna and Earl celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary, along with several other family members and friends.  The outcome of this cruise would decide whether we would be booking more, longer cruises in the future!

By early afternoon, we were all packed to start our drive to Memphis.  However, it had snowed 8 inches during the night.  Even if we had managed to clear our driveway, the snow that covered our street was much too deep for our vehicle to negotiate.  So, we waited for the Homeowners Association’s contractors to clear the snow from our driveway and street.  They finally made it to our street and started clearing it around 3:00 PM or so.  Scott stopped by our house after work.  By then, the snow was mostly cleared from our driveway and street, but there was a snow berm remaining at the end of our driveway which prevented us from reaching the street.  Jesse and Scott managed to clear a path through the berm, wide enough for our vehicle to get through.  (Thanks Scott!)  We finally left home at 4:30 PM.  It had snowed only as far south as Sioux City, IA, so our route was clear after that.  Jesse wanted to get to the other side of Kansas City before stopping for the night.  After making it to Kansas City, we fooled around the last one-half hour looking for the Best Western where we had stayed previously.  There were several Best Westerns in the area, and our GPS was not much help.  We finally found it, actually located in Independence, MO.  We checked in at about at 11:11 PM.

Saturday, 10 Dec 2022 – After enjoying the delicious complimentary breakfast, we left motel at 10:40 AM.  It was cloudy all day; raining before we arrived in West Memphis.  After checking into the Quality Inn, we drove to Walmart to purchase wine and swim googles (which we forgot to pack).  For dinner, we purchased chicken sandwiches and Oreo milkshakes from Burger King.  Afterwards, we decided to drive to the Amtrak station in Memphis to check out the location, parking, etc.

Sunday, 11 Dec 2022 – Got up at 3:30 AM, and left the motel at about 4:30 AM for our drive to Verna’s.  We left our heavy winter coats and a suitcase containing our winter clothes at Verna’s.  Then we loaded most of Verna and Earl’s luggage into our vehicle.  Catherine, Mario, Karanie & Jay (Jesse’s nieces and nephews) soon arrived at Verna’s also.  They loaded Verna & Earl’s remaining luggage into their vehicle.  Then, Verna & Earl got into our vehicle and we drove to the Amtrak station.  There, we checked our luggage and boarded the train at about 7:00 AM.  Karanie took care of storing our vehicle.

All of our group of about 20 were seated in the same section.  We sat on second level in second seat on the right (behind Verna & Earl).  Jesse bought coffee and juice, and we ate the fruit that Sally had brought.  Later, we all enjoyed chicken salad and crackers for lunch, provided by one of Verna’s friends.  We arrived in New Orleans at about 2:40 PM.  Pre-arranged coach transportation soon arrived and drove us to the Maison Dupuy Hotel. 

We (Jesse & Sally) took a taxi to Nubian’s house, arriving at about 4:55 PM.  (We had tried unsuccessfully to book an Uber.)  Nubian had invited everyone to dinner at her house, and Jesse was making six lemon icebox pies, so he needed to get there early and Sally went with him.  Later, the rest of the family and friends arrived.  We all enjoyed a fine catered meal, lemon icebox pie, and drinks.  Afterwards, we returned to our hotel.