Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Ilha Grande, Brazil

            Thursday, 12 Mar 2020 – The ship was scheduled to anchor off the coast of Ilha Grande at 8:00 AM.  Ilha Grande is an island located off the coast of Rio de Janeiro.  The island remains largely undeveloped.  For almost a century it was closed by the Brazilian government to free movement or settlement because it first housed a leper colony and then a top-security prison.  Cândido Mendes high-security prison housed some of the most dangerous prisoners within the Brazilian penal system until it closed in 1994.  The island is now a popular tourist destination that is noted for its scenic beauty, unspoiled tropical beaches, luxuriant vegetation and rugged landscape. 
Shopping Area
            After breakfast, Jesse took a tender ashore.  Then, after lunch, we finally wrote on the postcards that we had purchased in Iguazu Falls.  Since Sally’s rash on her back, chest, and shoulders seemed somewhat worse, she didn’t want to swim today.  (She had a rash last year, too.  Jesse thinks she has an allergy to  saltwater or a combination of saltwater and sun.)  After dinner, we talked to Julie & Canute about the rash.  They suggested that she try using Aloe Vera gel.

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