Thursday, March 14, 2019

2 Days at Sea

Friday, 1 Mar 2019 – We didn’t do very much today.  We were both awake by 6:30 AM and went to breakfast early.  It had rained during the night and the pool waves were too rough for swimming.  Sally worked on her genealogy book most of the day.  She also didn’t feel up to dancing after dinner; however, Jesse attended the Passenger and Crew talent show at 9:30 PM.  The show was excellent.  One of our friends, Henry, performed a magic show.  It turns out that he is a little more than an amateur and has performed in Las Vegas and other locations around the country.  Other friends, Paul and Nancy, the other couple that usually dances with us performed a dancing routine, and Margaret was part of a group performing a Zorba the Greek dance.  Later, several passengers asked why we had not performed in the talent show (dancing).  Jesse told them that Sally is much too shy for that!
Terrace Café with Dean & Darlene
Saturday, 2 Mar 2019 – We went to breakfast at 9:30 AM, along with several other late-sleeping passengers, and sat with Dean and Darlene.  Since they would be disembarking in Sydney, we traded e-mail addresses and got photos with them.  Even though the water was very rough, we swam after lunch.  We skipped dancing again and instead, watched the first “Lord of the Rings” movie on TV.  We set our clock back by one hour before retiring.

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