Sunday, October 22, 2017

Xi’an & Flight to Lhasa

Monday, 18 Sep 2017 – After breakfast, we boarded our coach for a one-hour ride to the Terra Cotta Warrior Museum. There are four sites at the museum.  We first visited Site 1, which included the well where the initial discovery was made by a local farmer, as well as thousands of clay, life-sized soldiers and horses.  This is a huge building.  Then we were to visit Site 3, which is the newest site and barely excavated; however, we, along with another couple, exited the wrong door and were separated from the rest of the group. (This reinforced our name as the “lost” passengers.)  We rejoined the group in time to tour Site 2, which showed excavations in process, and Site 4, which displayed chariots.  Dinner was at a local restaurant.  Before retiring, we placed our checked luggage in the hallway for collection.
Terra Cotta Warriors
Tuesday, 19 Sep 2017 – We were transferred to the Xi’an airport for our flight to Lhasa, capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region of China.  En route to the hotel in Lhasa, we stopped at a local restaurant for lunch.  Since the elevation of Lhasa is about 12,000 feet, we were given the afternoon off to adjust to the altitude.  By dinner, we were really feeling the effects – fatigue, headache, nausea, etc.  Jesse went to the hotel buffet for soup and brought soup and Sprite back to the hotel room for Sally.  Throughout the night, we both awoke on the hour, another effect of the high altitude.

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