Saturday, September 26, 2015

At Sea & Debarkation

            Sunday, 20 Sep 2015 – We awoke at 9:00 AM and went to breakfast at 10:00 AM.  After breakfast, we started packing up for our trip home.  While packing, we mostly watched the news programs; then we took a break for a small lunch, watched part of “Meet the Press,” and finished packing.  Before dinner, we left our big suitcases out in the corridor by our cabin door.

For dinner, we sat at a table for four with Gail and Jim.  We talked afterwards for quite a while, until it was apparent that the wait staff was becoming annoyed; then we said our goodbyes.

Although we had planned to dance, we decided to return to our cabin instead, where we watched an interesting movie about Stephen Hawking, The Theory of Everything.

            Monday, 21 Sep 2015 – We awoke to the alarm at 5:45 AM.  Wondering about the outdoor temperature, we stepped out on our balcony – and there, on the starboard side of our ship, was a gorgeous view of the New York City skyline and the Statue of Liberty.  Although it was still dark, lights sparkled everywhere!  After rushing to breakfast by 6:15 AM, we returned to our cabin to finish packing.  One of the most difficult times during cruises for us is the final step of checking out of our cabin by the 8:00 AM deadline.  When we have run late, our friendly cabin stewards have turned into ogres!  However, we’ve been gradually improving – and this morning we were out by 7:45 – a record for us!  Then, pulling our hand luggage behind us, we made our way to Club Fusion, where we waited with other Elite and Platinum passengers for our turn to leave the ship.

            At 10:30 AM we disembarked the ship, but it was 11:30 AM by the time we finished standing in the long customs line and boarded our Princess airport transfer bus.   We arrived at the LaGuardia Airport at 12:15 PM.

At the airport, the seating areas anywhere near our gate seemed to be set up like a large restaurant, with mostly benches or hard-backed chairs pulled up to counters or tables.  The tables were all equipped with I-pad looking devices, on which you could check your flight status or order food or drinks.  To Sally, it seemed a little like a “Steak ‘N Shake” restaurant.  After playing with the menu for a little while, we decided to walk back (pulling carry-ons) to the food court for lunch.  This area also seemed peculiar to us.  On could pick up anything from fruit items, a buffet meal, to pizza.  After deciding to order two slices of pizza, then we had difficulty figuring out where we should pay.  The “pizza lady” seemed a little annoyed with us and pointed to another area for payment.  A woman there scanned our credit card for payment; then we returned with the receipt to pick up the pizza.  (Most wait staff was completely eliminated in this process!)

After consuming the pizza, we pulled our luggage back to our gate.  This time, we saw a few empty seats of the scarce conventional (somewhat comfortable) type and ran for them because they were in high demand!  Finally, at 4:25 PM we boarded our plane, which then waited in line on the tarmac for another 30 minutes before finally taking off.  The flight to Minneapolis was only about 2.5 hours, just long enough for the serving of complementary drinks and [tiny] snacks, and we soon found ourselves making our way though the Minneapolis – St. Paul Airport to our gate.  When we first entered, we were shocked to see that the seating was the same as in LaGuardia – apparently the new trend for airports.  However, we did manage to find a couple of traditional seats near our gate, where we waited for our turn to board our plane to Peoria.

At 9:30 PM we landed in Peoria.  The hardest part was Jesse’s search of the parking lot for our vehicle; we had been running very late, and he didn’t notice exactly where he had parked.  After our 1.5-hour drive back to Bettendorf, we finally made it to home-sweet-home at 11:30 PM.  Back to cooking and straightening up – where is that cabin steward?

Signing off from another WONDERFUL cruise!

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