Sunday, August 23, 2015

At Sea

            Thursday, 20 Aug 2015 – Sally happened to awaken about 4:30 AM and awoke Jesse before going back to sleep.  We were hoping that the internet would be less busy at that time and that he would be able to post on our blog for the first time.  It turned out that the internet was not any faster than later in the day but, with persistence, Jesse was able to make five postings to our blog.  Also, he managed to post two photos, but they took so long to upload that he decided to wait until later to post more.

            Although we awoke again very late, we made it to breakfast before Horizon Court closed for lunch.  Many other late risers were also present.  When Jesse made a comment about all of the late arrivals, the head chef remarked that he was going to be pressured to get everything set up for the 11:30 AM lunch and didn’t understand why the late risers couldn’t just wait a few minutes and enjoy an early lunch instead of a late breakfast.  (He obviously wasn’t very happy.)

            After relaxing in our cabin all afternoon, we dressed in our formal attire for dinner.  Because dancing was not scheduled to start until 9:15 PM, we waited until 7:45 PM to start our dinner.  However, when we arrived at the Symphony Dining Room, there were no seats available; as a result, we were given pagers and were not seated until 8:00 PM.  Others at our table were a single woman named Cecil from the Washington DC area, and another couple, Richard and Cynthia from North Carolina.  (Sally was the “minority” here; the others were African-American.)  It turned out that we were all avid cruisers.  Since it was 10:00 PM by the time we left the dining room, we were able to dance to the Indigo Quartet only for two songs before they went on break.

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