Friday, February 7, 2014

At Sea

            On Friday, 7 February we awoke about 8:00 AM and went to breakfast about 9:00.  Although we shared the table briefly with another couple, we didn’t get their names.  We mostly talked about our Panama Canal excursions the previous day.

2nd Formal Night

Today was laundry day.  Jesse did one load in the ship’s Laundromat, and we washed several items by hand.  At lunch we shared a table with John and Irene from Alberta, Canada.  They are with a large group of Canadian farmers and ranchers, many of whom are sporting cowboy hats – about 200 of them are traveling together.  We mostly talked about farming.  (They own 2,000 acres for their stock.)

Since tonight was a formal night, we dressed in our formal attire and went to the dining room about 5:30 PM.  We shared a table with two other couples:  Larry and Bev from Vancouver, Canada, and Ed and Ronnie from Grand Rapids, Michigan.  We enjoyed interesting conversation, mostly about our travels.  Ed and Ronnie met on a blind date and have been married for 55 years; Larry and Bev met at a ballroom dance and have only been together about 6 years.  They said it was love at first sight!  After dinner, we danced again to the Playlist Band in the Wheelhouse Bar, where we met a friendly couple from Amarillo, Texas, David and Barbara.  We told her that we had met a lot of Barbara’s on this Cruise.  David took our photo on the dance floor.

Tomorrow, the ship will be docking at Puntarenas, Costa Rica.  And tonight we will set back our clocks one hour – so that we will then be on EST!

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