Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Progreso, Mexico:

Pit Stop
Pyramid of Kulkulcan
             We set our alarm clock for 6:00 AM, but luckily, we had requested a wake-up call as a backup, since the alarm clock didn’t go off until 6:30 AM.  After breakfast at the Lido Buffet, we disembarked and met our tour group on shore at 8:15 AM.  We had a 2-1/4 hour bus ride to the Chichen Itza Mayan ruins, with a brief stop along the way for necessities.  Chichen Itza is one of the most important archeological sites on the American continent and was once the home of the great Mayan Empire.  Replicas of the Pyramid of Kulkulcan have been seen in many movies, such as Mel Gibson’s Apocalypso.   Although the sun was very hot and we were tired, the scenery was spectacular.  Most of us enjoyed an afternoon siesta on the bus trip back to the ship. 
Earl and Verna
             After freshening up, we went to the ship’s restaurant for pizza before heading to Verna and Earl’s anniversary party.  The party became quite lively as Verna serenaded the group with Christmas carols.  After the party, we relaxed in our cabin until dinner.

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