Wednesday, October 3, 2012


In Tahiti
            Tuesday, 2 Oct 2012 – We woke up to our alarm clock at 6:00 AM, ate breakfast, disembarked, and boarded our bus for our tour of Tahiti.  Our first stop was the ancient “Marae Arahurahu,” where ancient Tahitians performed their religious rites & human sacrifices.  As the bus drove our group around the island, our tour guide pointed out significant landmarks and shared some of Tahiti’s history with us.  We then stopped at a private colonial home, where we were welcomed by the owner, who gave us a personal tour of the meticulous grounds and served us refreshments of local juices and fruits.  Next, we made short stops at the Vaipahi Gardens with its picturesque waterfall and the Fern Mara’a Grotto Caves.  Our last stop was the Museum of Tahiti.

After the tour, we returned to the ship and enjoyed a light lunch and then relaxed in our cabin until dinner.  We watched the political news on TV, as we anxiously await tomorrow’s presidential debate.  After dinner alone at our table again tonight, we danced at the Wheelhouse Bar for a short time before the Tritones Duo went on break.   Although our tour of Bora Bora doesn’t start until 12:50 PM tomorrow, we decided to call it an early night because we started so early this morning.  

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