Wednesday, September 19, 2012

San Francisco

Wednesday, 19 Sep 2012 – Yes, we have departed for ANOTHER cruise.  This time, we’ll be sailing on the Sea Princess from San Francisco, CA, to Sydney, Australia, with stops in Hawaii, Tahiti, Bora Bora, Pago Pago, and New Zealand. 

We left home a little after 8 AM yesterday, & flew from Peoria to Detroit and then on to San Francisco.   Last night and tonight we’re staying at Hotel Beresford in downtown San Francisco, not far from Union Square.  We’ll be staying here again tonight, and tomorrow we’ll head to the Star Princess for the start of our cruise.

We arrived at the hotel around 7 PM; then we enjoyed a very elegant dinner at the Cesario’s Restaurant, about three doors from the hotel.  Ordinarily, we wouldn’t have chosen such an expensive restaurant, but we did not feel comfortable wandering around downtown San Francisco after dark.
This morning we met up with a couple that lives in Australia.  She (Gail) and Sally met online through a cruising website, and found that she and her husband (Jim) were staying at the same hotel as we are in San Francisco.  They came a few days early to the U.S. to see sights before the cruise.  Anyway, we four rode on the cable car and then walked, ending up at Fisherman’s Wharf.  We walked around there, & then sat on a bench having a snack while gulls and pigeons eyed us from a rail about 3 feet in front of us. 
At Union Square
After a substantial rest there, we hopped on a tourist bus, which we rode along the piers and back up to within about 6 blocks of our hotel. Not being very exciting people ourselves, it’s been enjoyable to have another couple to pal around with.  Also, there’s less chance of getting lost when there are 4 of us, which is an important consideration for us!  Tonight, we four ate at Lori's Diner, similar to a Denny’s but with a 1950’s décor, including a car of that vintage in the middle of the restaurant.
At Lori's
After breakfast tomorrow morning we will take a taxi to the Sea Princess, where we will board and get settled into our cabin, soon to start enjoying the four at-sea days en route to Hawaii – and all those following days until our flight back home on October 22.


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