Wednesday, January 4, 2012

At Sea

Wednesday, 04 Jan 2012 – Last night, even though the sun had set (about 10:15)  and it was getting dark, at 10:37 PM we could still see mountains with snow on them from our balcony.  However, this morning we awoke (late) to rough seas and very heavy fog all around us; and the foghorn of the Princess Star sounded occasionally, just in case any other boats happened to be close. 

By noon the fog had lifted and we could see little islands, some of them mountainous, in the distance.  As the day went on, snowy mountains were closer, and we could see occasional small waterfalls from melting snow.  A haze remained, making the view somewhat surreal.  Sally was tempted to take one photo after another, when we could see the view.  Part of our afternoon was spent in the laundry room for the second time on this cruise. 

After dinner, fog descended again; the ship’s motion made walking (or dancing) difficult; and the foghorn sounded occasionally again.  We’re heading north along the coast of Chile, along the west side of South America.

We danced to the Buenos Aires Quartet tonight.  Then after they went on break, we went to another lounge to dance again to the Vintage Band; however, this time they were playing all jazz, so we soon returned to our cabin to relax, watch latest news on the Iowa Caucus, and play on the Internet. 

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