Friday, December 30, 2011

At Sea

Friday, 30 Dec 2011 – We started the day with breakfast, a dance class on the Tango, and a Spanish lesson.  The temperature is getting gradually cooler as we head down towards the Falkland Islands.  Earlier this evening, the captain announced that there have been various weather predictions for tomorrow, so we are still waiting for a realistic weather report.  He said the weather can change very abruptly, with all 4 seasons sometimes occurring within one 24-hour period, so we were warned to be prepared!   It’s a little scary to listen to all of the stories about the ship’s tenders sometimes being tossed around in the ocean during the 20-minute ride to the Port Stanley shore.

Before dinner, we attended the Princess Captain’s Circle Cocktail Party, where we were served free drinks.  After dinner, we danced again to the Buenos Aires Quartet.  Tomorrow will be a long day, starting with our excursion to visit the penguins at Port Stanley, and ending with the ship’s New Year’s Eve celebration.  We hope to “party” to midnight and beyond, but that might not be possible for these two old folks.

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